See that beautiful badge? That badge is a testament to hours of learning, refining shooting and editing, and even taking a written test through a birth photography course that was designed with YOU in mind. Your girl is officially a certified birth photographer! Certified birth photographers are held to the highest standards of client care and professionalism in the birthing space but what does that mean for you?

When you hire a certified professional birth photographer, you can trust that you are hiring someone who has been trained in their field. From preparing for equipment malfunctions to being able to handle any lighting situation, you need to know that your photographer has the knowledge and experience to produce memorable photos in any scenario. I pursued certification so my clients would know how serious I am about my role in the birthing space and how committed I am to them and their memories.

Throughout the certification process, professionalism is one of the most important topics discussed. It is so important that professional photographers know exactly what is expected of them when they step into hospitals and other birth spaces and are working with other professionals. Certified birth photographers take seriously the atmosphere of the birthing space and honor their role by knowing exactly where to stand and what to photograph. Nurturing relationships with birth workers and maintaining trust is vital, so photographers need to be specially trained to step into these intimate spaces.

Being a photographer is so much more than owning a great camera. You should be able to trust that your photographer knows what to look for when she walks into a room; that she can see the photo that will be framed on the wall or the image that will still bring tears to your eyes in 5 years. Being trained means knowing how to tell the story of the day your baby arrives in the most impactful way.

If I could give one piece of advice to an expectant mama wanting to hire a birth photographer, it would be: don't leave it up to chance. Take time to interview the person who will be with you during arguably the most life changing experience you've ever gone through. Don't make this decision lightly! You deserve to have the best photos of the day you finally meet your son or daughter.